You are currently viewing Do’s and Don’ts for UKVI Visa Interview (Tier 4)

Do’s and Don’ts for UKVI Visa Interview (Tier 4)

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Today we’ll discuss about the basic do’s and don’ts while giving an interview for a student visa by the UKVI team. More than the do’s, I suppose the dont’s are more important so I’ll cover those first.


  • Don’t read from a script during your interview
  • Don’t postpone your interview date too much as it might leave a bad impression
  • Never be late
  • Don’t dress inappropriately
  • Don’t look around and maintain a proper posture
  • Don’t lie (Know the information that you put on your visa application by heart)
  • Don’t be rude to the visa officers or say anything inappropriate
  • Don’t rehearse your answers too much as it could make your answers sound memorized/scripted
  • Don’t worry too much as being nervous might be an issue for your visa decision


  • Do plenty of research (about the Course, University, City where you’ll be staying, accommodation, your future plan etc. & the information on your visa application)
  • Speak Clearly (faking an accent is not necessary)
  • Keep your answers concise
  • Be sure that your answers reflect your passion for the course
  • Indicate clearly that you are going overseas for educational, not residential reasons and that you want to return home after completing the course
  • If you are applying with dependents, give proper reasoning
  • Last but not the least, be appealing, friendly, and honest

Also, regardless of nationality, country of application submission, age, gender etc., the Home Office will randomly select some students for interview. These interviews should not be taken as a sign that your application is weak. I would advise you to consider this opportunity as a challenge and ace your interview.