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What Bangladeshi Students Can Learn from Education Consultants about Studying Abroad

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When considering the challenges faced by students aspiring to study abroad, the first things that come to mind are academic challenges. One might suggest financial challenges, or the difficulties in acclimatizing to harsh alien conditions outside of their home environment. Recently, many Bangladeshi students are choosing to complete their higher education abroad. Countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland and Canada have always been popular destinations for Bangladeshi students. However, nowadays, students are looking into other places, like Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia, in their search for quality education at an affordable cost. Universities in the aforementioned countries and beyond are not only welcoming to Bangladeshi students, but they offer a variety of merit-based scholarships and need-based aids to high-achieving students, making a foreign degree even more achievable.

However, despite the abundance of opportunities, many students fail to take advantage of them because they lack the information needed to apply to these universities. Knowledge about the application process is still not widespread, and even students, who have the required knowledge, become daunted by the procedure.

Educational consultancy services can simplify the university application process and provide all the necessary information for applying abroad.

They are fully aware of what it is like to study away from home, what it can be like to adjust to a new situation in a new culture, and what difficulties may arise for students abroad. Thus, the counsellors can not only provide students with a comprehensive guide on applying to a university, but they can also ensure that students understand what the experience will be like.

Through consultancy agencies you can get the following assistance:

  • The Benefits of Studying Abroad
  • How to Choose the Right Program for You
  • How to Study Abroad from Bangladesh
  • Choosing the  University and Course
  • Prepare Your IELTS or Other Language Proficiency Tests
  • Prepare You for Pre-CAS Interview
  • Applying for Admission to Your Preferred University
  • Applying for the Visa to Study in Your Dream Country
  • How to choose accommodation
  • Pre-departure briefing