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A Handbook for Students Seeking Support at UK Universities

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Pre-arrival and arrival support

All UK universities help international student prepare for their move to the UK by helping sort out your Student Visa. They will also run social media live chats, webinars and online orientations so students can ask questions. Most universities will also arrange airport pick-ups, so book your slot. And after you arrive there will be plenty of events to welcome you and to help you settle in such as guided tours of the campus. Additionally some universities use CAS Shield to review student status and communicate with the student through the chat box there for example you can upload your visa vignette there and let them know when you plan on arriving to the UK. The same goes for the post arrival because you can upload your BRP there as well.

Career support

UK universities provide career counselling for all students and overseas students especially require the necessary knowledge to find employment and success after graduation. These services include the information, guidance and advice to increase your employment prospects. The universities have dedicated careers and employment websites, portals etc. for the students to login and create individual profiles. Students can access their portals and search for part time jobs, placements, graduate opportunities, summer internships, work shadowing opportunities etc. You can start your career planning during your study period to stay one step ahead of others. This adds to the resume and builds certain skills you can utilize in your work life.

Academic support

Support varies from workshops on how to write British style essays to one-to-one sessions that help you produce the best possible work that you can. If English is not your first language, most universities will provide classes to help you improve your spoken and written English. You can also get help if you have learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, in the form of extra time to finish exams and essays and consideration being given to your writing and spelling when your course work is being marked. Make your university aware of anything that hinders your learning experience, and seek out support that is offered to international students. These facilities are designed to accommodate your unique learning preferences to make you feel more confident with your assignments, revision techniques and exams.

Financial support

Most UK universities offer financial support in the form of scholarships and bursaries to help international students cover the cost of their course, and in some cases even their accommodation and living costs. The level of financial support differs from university to university, so do your research to find out what universities in the UK can offer you. There are several ways to research the various bursaries and scholarships available at the time of your application. You might also be able to get extra funding support if you have a talent, such being an amazing athlete, so let the university know.

Counselling service

If you are suffering from anxiety or stress about any part of your life you can get access to counsellors. This service can be run by the university, the Students’ Union, or on campus. The overall counselling service for students are kept up to date and there students get one on one counselling sessions so you get a personalized experience.

 Medical support

If your studies are affecting your mental health and wellbeing then you can definitely talk to the university about it. Both physical and psychological health of the students are important to the university. You can also make the university aware of any disabilities you may have. Usually during the online enrolment process the university will ask several questions regarding the student’s medical state, whether they need support for any disability they might have, it is to ensure the student remains in good shape while studying.

Accommodation support

Most universities offer international student accommodation for the first year within term time. If you have any specific needs when it comes to your accommodation, such as not being able to climb stairs, then get in touch with the student accommodation team before you arrive in the UK. Your university may also be able to offer accommodation for you.