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What is Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)?

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International students have to pay for UK healthcare as part of their student visa application (usually known as IHS).

Once the student is towards the end of their visa application, IHS payment has to be made via a link before booking an appointment for visa submission. Students who are going to the UK for their education of 6 months or more must pay their IHS.

Although IHS will not cover certain types of services, such as prescriptions, dental treatment, eye tests and assisted conception.

Students who are 18+ have to pay £624 per year. From 06 February 2024, IHS fee will go up to 1035 Pounds for adults 18 years and over. If the visa is for more than a year, students will have to pay:

  • the yearly cost plus half the yearly cost, if it’s for 18 months or less
  • the cost of 2 full years, if it’s for more than 18 months but less than 2 years

So, basically it is either for a year or 18 months or 2 years (increases by 6 months)


IHS has to be made by a dual currency card from Bangladesh and the limit must be extended.


If any student is taking a dependent with them who’s 18 years or older, IHS payment is same as the student.


If in case, the visa gets refused or the student decides to withdraw their visa application, IHS payment is refunded within 6-8 weeks.


  • If the payment is declined, students can make maximum of 5 attempts till another visa application has to be done. Therefore, in such cases the student must contact their banks regarding the issue.