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Study at a UK university

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Colleges of Further Education are a popular choice for international students studying full-time or part-time pre-university courses or completing vocational qualifications. Universities in the UK play a variety of roles, including continuing education, vocational training and adult education for 16-18 year olds.

Most UK universities are public, but there are many private universities that also cater to specific types of students. Courses at British universities last from one to two years.

UK college courses

– International Foundation Year

The International Foundation Year is for international students who are about to complete studies in their home country but do not have the grades required to start studying at a UK university. Students on the International Foundation Year study specific subject pathways, including specific English language and study skills.

-International A level

Many UK universities offer international A-Level courses alongside traditional A-Level courses for UK students. In addition to studying some subjects, English language learning is also included.

– BTEC Nationals

BTEC Nationals are suitable for students who have an idea of ​​which career path they would like to take, either through further study at a UK university or employment. BTEC Nationals are similar to A-Levels and usually last two years, with students starting at the age of 16.

– HND (Higher National Diploma)

Like BTEC Nationals, Higher National Diplomas prepare students for employment or further study in specific industries. Courses last two years full-time or up to four years part-time and are usually equivalent to two years of an undergraduate degree.

Study at a UK university

If you would like to find out more about studying at a further education college in the UK, arrange a free consultation with Englobal Education Limited today.