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5 great reasons to study in the UK

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Education is one of life’s most important investments, and students who choose a UK degree will be well on their way to a confident, rewarding and exciting future.

That’s why thousands of international students choose to study in the UK every year, and why our graduates are among the most employable in the world; progressing faster – and earning more – than peers educated elsewhere.

In fact, there are many great reasons why the UK is the best possible place to study. Here are just five of them.

1. The best possible education

Every single one of our students gets the support and space they need to be imaginative, ambitious, curious and successful – with a world-class, disciplined education that’s built on the most solid historical foundations.

Because we’re not just home to the English language, we’re also home to some of the world’s greatest universities and our institutions consistently top global rankings. That’s thanks to the UK’s unique style of teaching, which boosts students’ critical thinking skills and exposes them to new technologies, emerging theories and a fascinating range of opinions. 

And as we have one of the most diverse subject offerings in the world, international students will benefit from an unparalleled standard of education, no matter what subject they choose to study. 

2. The perfect start to a world-class career

Our graduates are among the most employable in the world, and it’s not unusual for students to receive job offers before they’ve even finished their studies.

We’re a global leader in business, medicine, research, law and so many other popular fields, but international employers respect more than just our prestigious qualifications. They also admire our graduates’ excellent command of English, and praise their creativity, solution-focused mindsets and first-rate leadership skills.

And as our universities have strong links with all kinds of industries – from science to the arts to management and more – international students will have the chance to gain real-life experience while they study, making lasting professional connections and gaining an unbeatable edge over the competition.

So whatever their chosen subject, students will gain a clear and distinct advantage by being here.

Read more about why our degrees are so valued by international employers and academics.

3. The chance to grow in a safe and supportive country

International students will feel really welcome in the UK and ready to get the very best from their time here. We’re proud to be a modern and progressive, multi-faith society where many languages are spoken and where people from all backgrounds are welcome. International cuisines and religious diets are fully catered for here, and every way of life is respected. 

Our universities also provide comprehensive support which starts before students travel to the UK, looks after them upon arrival and continues throughout their entire degree. Universities’ own pastoral teams are always on hand to give help and advice on everything from housing, financial and visa issues to educational and emotional support. They’ll also be there to help with any language problems, and with written or spoken English.

Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, UK universities have maintained the highest quality of education, with teaching online and in person – adhering to government guidance that ensures the health and safety of everyone remains top priority. In addition, our universities have developed brand new services, including help with quarantine requirements, airport pickups and food deliveries as well as increased support around students’ wellbeing. So whatever the global health situation might look like in future, you can be confident that students will be well looked after in the UK.

You’ll be further reassured by our country’s low crime rates and trustworthy police force, as well as by our National Health Service. It’s one of the most advanced healthcare systems in the world, providing comprehensive treatment for both mental and physical conditions. And as an Immigration Health Surcharge is included in the student visa application, students will always be able to access affordable care and support, should they ever need to.

4. The beginning of new adventures and lifelong friendships

International students make new and lasting friendships in the UK – and they’ll get the chance to experience everything that our beautiful country has to offer. It’s why the UK is the perfect place for them to become the most confident and promising version of themselves. 

Because our rich and historic culture has inspired some of the finest minds in human history (in fact, 38 per cent of Nobel Laureates and one in four world leaders have been shaped by their studies here) and we take great pride in the fact that our students get to develop a wide range of personal, academic and professional interests.

Unlike in other countries, university life in the UK isn’t confined to the classroom or lecture theatre. Regular field trips, visits and excursions will accelerate students’ learning by applying it to real world situations. And our extensive range of university societies, clubs and events mean they’ll get to practice traditions from home – and to explore brand new interests.

So wherever they study or visit in the UK – from the breathtaking scenery of the Welsh valleys, Yorkshire and the Scottish Highlands, to the dazzling nightlife of Glasgow, Cardiff and London – students will find something that really fires their imagination. And they’ll do all of this while making great friendships, with fellow students from all over the world. 

5. An unbeatable opportunity to get ahead

International students can now gain even more of an advantage by studying in the UK, with our brand new Graduate Route.

Every international student who successfully completes an undergraduate or master’s degree at a UK university can benefit from two years’ work experience in our country. And for students who complete a PhD, that period extends to three years.

It means international students will have an amazing opportunity to gain professional experience, quickly upgrade their skills and abilities and to make important contacts and connections that will impress any employer, anywhere in the world.

(Source: British Council)